I started cloth diapering back in April, with 8 diapers between two kids, I've been told by a few Moms that without my recommendations they may not have considered cloth at all. I'm going to start out with some links to sites and blogs that I found helpful. I will also link some stores I recommend that I use personally or know people who do. The following entries will be brought over from my other blogs and journals until I've fully updated. Some post will be informative but mostly this is to keep track of our journey in cloth so not everything will be.
I was 23 when I gave birth to my oldest child; Ace, in 2007. We lived in a less then ideal apartment building with a single washer and dryer on each floor. We'd just gotten our finances in order and discussed cloth diapers. I knew nothing about them. My Mother in Law had used them and so had my own Mother and [not being involved with online parenting communities at the time] they were my only information source.
Remembering the flat pieces of flannel and rubber pants of the 80's both Mom's advised me against it. My Mother asking why with the availability of disposables would I
ever put myself through that with a new baby. My Mother in Law telling me that with our current laundry facilities and the cost of diaper services she advised against it. We looked into start-up costs later that year when we rented a house with a washer and dryer, [though uninformed still] 200.00 sounded like a lot of money, I never even thought to consider what we'd be saving.
In 2009 I gave birth to my second daughter, L. I'd become a frequent commenter in a few different online parenting communities and had heard a lot more about cloth diapers. Money wasn't as tight but I was looking to cut costs anywhere I could. I added up the cost of diapers in the first year and we'd spent 1500.00, having at least 3 years of diapering left I made a more detailed look into cloth. I was overwhelmed by the options so I sought out the help of my fellow internet savvy Mom.
I was linked to two blogs straight off the bat. The first was written by a Mom I'd been acquainted with around that particular community:
Raving-Libral the other was:
Babyslime It was also suggested I join
the livejournal Cloth Diaper Community though they are picky since members sell within the community, you need a person to vouch if you're livejournal account is new and unused.
Diaper Swappers was also a wonderful resource when making my decision.
So with a 19 month old and a 4 month old I gradually made the switch to cloth. From my research I knew I'd want to stick to pocket diapers. There are a ton of different pocket diapers out there. Plenty of work at home moms [WAHM] make adorable ones, which are slightly more expensive but you get the benefit of knowing this Mom uses the diapers herself. I decided to use more mass produced diapers. I narrowed down my choices to
Bum Genius 3.0 one size,
Fuzzi Bunz perfect size, and
Happy Heinys' diapers. I bought two HH, a FB for each girl, and four of the BGs to start. I wanted to know what fit best and I recommend to everyone that they start out like this with pockets.
BG 3.0 have the best versatility in my opinion. HH worked good on my chubbier toddler but they leaked around the legs on my skinny infant. The perfect size FBs are just that and I do recommend one or two perfect sized diapers per child. When I bought my starter diapers I also picked up 2 waterproof laundry bags for storing dirty diapers. One XL sized bag [I got a drawstring bag but I recommend a zipper closure] and a small bag that holds no more then three diapers, it stays in my diaper bag to store dirty diapers while we're out and about. At that time I didn't buy the liners, I had a EBF infant and a toddler so I didn't feel like I'd need them since I didn't have an issue with shaking poops. Now that we've started solids I have them, I also recommend them if you have a rash that require cream to save the diapers.
I've completed my stash with a total of 25 diapers, I added 4
Kissaluvs fitted diapers with two
Bummis covers for my night time diapers. My start up cost, with all brand new diapers was around 500.00, diapers alone were around 400.00, they paid for themselves in 3 months and I'll save 3000-4000.00 I bought most of my diapers from
Nurtured April had recently opened a store near where I lived, it was wonderful to deal with her and I recommend it to any Canadian women planning to purchase their diapers new.
The following entries will bring us up to date.